ABOUT torwatch is a script to visualize the traffic of a tor node. it is written in lua and uses the GD graphics library to draw the graphs. toewatch 0.1 was written over a pint of lager in october 2010, so please do not blame the author if you find it incomplete, buggy or useless. i could not come up with a better name yet, if yoy have a brilliant idea, let me know. torwatch is released unter the GNU Public Licence v3. USAGE * get the tarzip here http://projects.plentyfact.org/projects/list_files/torwatch * dependencies: you will need lua, lua-gd and depending libraries ( lua-gd can be found at http://lua-gd.luaforge.net , however a compiled version of the lua module is currently included in the tarzip to make things easier, lua-gd is not considered part of torwatch and is released under MIT license ) * unpack the tarzip * open the torwatch script and adjust the settings ( CONF ) according to your needs. ( web directory, filename, path to your tor state file ) in the 0.1 version it it best to leave the default graph settings ;) * run ./torwatch * the graph images and one html file should now have been created in your web_dir * you might want to run torwatch via cron